Simply put... Broken Wing Farm offers opportunities for people with Autism and other intellectual and developmental disabilities. We believe that
everyone deserves a life that is rewarding and filled with purpose...
everyone. In our experience, there is nothing more rewarding than life on
the farm!
Our 2015 program will be in operation from April 15 through September 30 and our days of operation for participants are Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 to 1:30. An example of our day looks a little like this...
9:00 - Morning Safety and Information Meeting
9:15 - Greenhouse
We will be weeding, planting and harvesting first while it's cool outside.
10:30 - Break time
10:45 - Farm projects
We will be exploring other activities on the farm such as creating or monitoring small projects like growing sprouts for the chickens, creating a worm farm or working on the composting project.
12:15 - Lunch time
Participants will bring their own lunches, but of course, we all eat together. It's a great time for friendly conversations.
12:45 - Afternoon wrap up
At this time of the day, we are working on CSA packages, (Community Supported Agriculture). Then we clean up our supplies and messes from the morning.
1:30 - Departure
The New, Old Way of Farming
Here at BW Farm, we believe in growing clean, chemical free produce. We raise it just like folks did back in the 40’s, before the big push for factory farms. On
a small plot of land, with lots of work and dedication, we are growing more than
produce... we’re investing in our children’s futures... we're investing in our community.
Right now our program is still small and renting space at Welch & Son Farm, but, with the support of our community, we will be able to grow and provide more opportunities for living, learning and working within our community on our own farm! Please consider being part of a team that is planting potential and growing hope in Autism!